Sacred Geometry and Spiritual Symbolism: The Blueprint for Creation
Stock #122
Format: paperback
Length: 272 pp.
Price: $18.95

Unifying Spirit and Science through Geometry and Symbolism

There is evidence that the “knowing” of spirituality can be unified with the observations of science through two geometric symbols consisting of the triangle and the arc. Author Carroll shows how, through the millenniums, religions have intuited the importance of these shapes and incorporated their symbolism throughout their beliefs, while these same shapes have been found by modern science to be the essence of life and the cosmos. This shared geometry is not mere coincidence.

Carroll builds upon the importance of shapes and symbols throughout history, religion, and science. He reviews the symbolism of the Pythagorean Tetractys, the pyramids of Egypt, the Star of David, Chaos theory fractals, our very DNA, and much more. In the study of our collective symbolism through the eyes of both science and spirituality, we find ourselves in relation to the whole, and our respective parts to play in this awe-inspiring universe of life.

Illustrated with 109 black and white images and a special 16-page section containing 36 full-color images.

Hear author Donald Carroll speak about his book: