A. ROBERT SMITH, an award-winning journalist for more than 35 years, he was the author of ten books, has been an editorial writer, a magazine editor, and a Washington correspondent covering Congress ...
Adrian Gilbert was born near London, where he attended St. Edmunds College, as well as the University of Kent at Cantebury. He is the author of many works whose intent has been to bring together scientific ...
Andrew Collins was born on January 25, 1957, in Bedford, England. He is a science and history writer, and the author of books that challenge the way we perceive the past. They include From the Ashes o ...
Anne Hunt, MA, began her studies of the Edgar Cayce readings in 1982. Early on, her focus came to be the health readings which led to her co-authoring a series of short and concise books on specific ai ...
Anthony Quinata was born on Guam, and with a father serving in the U.S. Navy, his family frequently moved and lived around the world. Anthony’s fascination and passion for all things paranormal began in ...
C. Norman Shealy, MD, PhD is a neurosurgeon, psychologist, and founding president of the American Holistic Medical Association. For over three decades, he has been at the forefront of alternative medicine ...
Carol A. Baraff (1947 – 2015) was a writer and editor of holistic and alternative health matters for more than 30 years. Her background as a massage therapist and long-time researcher on topics fro ...
Carol Ann Liaros was the subject of psychic research with E. Douglas Dean, Ph.D., Sister M. Justa Smith, Ph.D., and Shafica Karagulla, M.D., her accuracy over a 2-year study was 93-97% in predicting th ...
Donald B. Carroll spent his career working in Fire & Rescue, as a district chief, academy instructor, and paramedic. During those 30 years, he raised a family and pursued the meaning of life th ...
Elaine Hruska, MA is a therapist located in Houston, Texas. She holds her MA in transpersonal studies from Atlantic University and is considered an expert on the Edgar Cayce health readings. Elaine trained ...
Glenn D. Kittler, who wrote more than 35 books and was a contributing editor to Guideposts magazine for three decades, was chosen as the perfect person to write this book by Edgar Cayce's eldest so ...
Gregg Unterberger, M.Ed., LPC, is a former instructor in Psychology at Texas State University and a Licensed Professional Counselor in private practice with offices in Houston and CollegeStation, Texas. ...
Author Harmon Hartzell Bro, Ph.D. (1919-1997) was a psychotherapist, an educator, a writer, an ordained minister and an inspirational lecturer. For more than a year, he ...
Henry Reed received his PhD from UCLA and was assistant professor of Psychology at Princeton University and professor of transpersonal studies at Atlantic University (AU). The Smithsonian Inst ...
Hugh Lynn Cayce (1907-1982) was the eldest son of Edgar Cayce. He turned his father's Association for Research and Enlightenment, Inc. (A.R.E.) into an organization of international renown and developed wi ...
Istvan Fazekas is a dynamic author and speaker, melding Christian mysticism with Eastern traditions, somatic sciences, and energetic principles. He served on the focus group for the book Still He ...
John Van Auken is a director at Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E., and is one of the organization’s most popular speakers, traveling throughout the U.S. and abroad to address audiences on the body-mind-spirit to ...
John Z. Amoroso, PhD, has practiced clinical psychology for more than 20 years and works with clients using a positive psychological approach focused on purposeful living and creativity. His interest in ...
Josie Varga had a passion for writing as a little girl growing up in Elizabeth, New Jersey. She went on to earn a degree in journalism and later became a successful communications consultant while au ...
Joyce Keller is an American television and radio host, author, and psychic medium. She has hosted a live radio show since 1989 on New York's WGBB, and is featured in both editions of the book, 100 Top Ps ...
Judith Pennington is a world authority on EEG biofeedback meditation and the brainwave evolution of consciousness. She teaches classes and workshops on meditation, mind expansion, dream interpretation, an ...
Kevin J. Todeschi, the former executive director and CEO of Edgar Cayce’s A.R.E. (EdgarCayce.org) and Atlantic University (AtlanticUniv.edu), has been a student and teacher of the Cayce material fo ...
Lynn Sparrow Christy is a teacher, writer, and hypnotherapist-life coach. With more than 40 years’ experience in both traditional and alternative approaches to spirituality and personal growth, Lynn is c ...
M.K. Welsch is a 40-year student of the Edgar Cayce information and accomplished writer who has spent the majority of her professional career in the not-for-profit arena, helping dedicated people engender ...
Mark Thurston, PhD is an educator, psychologist, and author of 19 books about personal spirituality and holistic living. Mark worked with A.R.E. and Atlantic University from 1973 through 2008, most re ...
Matthew von Behrens has been a student and practitioner of the spiritual guidance found in the Cayce readings and "Search for God" materials since 1989. As a child, he was fascinated by ancient civiliza ...
Matthew von Behrens has been a student and practitioner of the spiritual guidance found in the Cayce readings and "Search for God" materials since 1989. As a child, he was fascinated by ancient civil ...
P.M.H. Atwater, LHD is one of the original researchers in the field of near-death studies, having begun her work in 1978. In 2005, she was awarded the Outstanding Service Award from the International As ...
Robert W. Krajenke is a spiritual counselor, energy healer, speaker, and workshop leader with interests in prayer, poetry, meditation, dream interpretation, and fostering an atmosphere of unconditional lo ...
Sandra Duggan, RN, BS (1934-2012) maintained a private practice while working for several decades as an instructor with the Cayce/Reilly® School of Massage. She developed and taught the Colon Th ...
Shelley A. Kaehr, PhD is one of the world’s leading authorities on energy healing and mind-body medicine and the practical use of gems and stones. She is the author of Edgar Cayce’s Sacred Stones, Edgar Ca ...
Sidney D. Kirkpatrick is an award-winning filmmaker and international best-selling author. His critically acclaimed non-fiction books include A Cast of Killers, Turning the Tide, and Edgar Cayce: An American Prophet (978-1573228961) . Biographical profiles of Kirkpatrick have appeared in The New York Times, Time Magazine, and The New Yorker. He is a graduate of Hampshire ...
Thomas Joseph Sugrue (1907-1953) is the author of There Is a River, the only biography of Edgar Cayce written during Cayce’s lifetime and the book that made the psychic a household name in 1942. St ...