"... this book is FANTASTIC!!!! I am a lymph fanatic ... feeling that it
[is] essential to good health. ... I [use] many references to Cayce and the
Cayce Protocol. ... her book is an invaluable tool for me and it is so easy to
Lynn Koiner, PMAFA
"This book will be a wonderful reference for all who read it. Your depth
of understanding and explanation is rare. How blessed we are to have someone of
your background to have written such a book."
Kathryn M. Thrift
and Lymph Drainage Instructor
Of all the Edgar Cayce health readings, nearly one-third focused on the
lymphatic system. This important yet often misunderstood part of the body
provides our cells with vital protection against harmful bacteria—a necessity
for keeping our bodies healthy and strong. Author Elaine Hruska uses her 30
years of experience with the Cayce health readings to show you how the lymph
functions, what conditions threaten the health of this system, and what you can
do to maintain good health throughout your lymph and your entire body. Let
Elaine show you how to pump up your lymph!