Healing with Light Frequencies
Stock #BK0255
Format: Paperback
Length: 246 pp.
Price: $18.99

Healing with Light Frequencies: The Transformative Power of Star Magic
by Jerry Sargeant

Soul Technology for the Cellular Level

EXPAND YOUR CONSCIOUSNESS, shift your vibration, and speed up the healing process with Star Magic Healing. Through a series of major life events, Jerry Sargeant has reawakened this advanced soul technology and shares it here to help unleash the full potential of every living being.

Star Magic aligns you with high-vibrational Consciousness Codes that were present on Earth in ancient Egyptian times. Learn how to harness extraterrestrial light frequencies safely and effectivelyl to energize, uplift, and consciously empower your own life, the lives of others, and the planet.

Jerry shares practical healing tools with step-by-step illustrations as well as visualizations, exercises, and meditations to shift your vibrations to a higher level. He discusses holographic blueprints, pineal gland activation, quantum knowledge, parallel realities, and the impact of crystals and sacred geometry. Learn to activate your Mer-ka-ba field and open yourself up to infinite streams of abundance. Real-life case studies show how Jerry has used high-vibrational light frequencies to heal, fix personal relationships, and supercharge businesses for massive success.

Star Magic offers a key to the ancient power to heal at the deepest levels and find alignment with your soul purpose.