Elaine Hruska, MA

Elaine Hruska, MA is a therapist located in Houston, Texas. She holds her MA in transpersonal studies from Atlantic University and is considered an expert on the Edgar Cayce health readings.

Elaine trained under Harold J. Reilly, who was a pioneer in the field of massage therapy and a world-renowned physiotherapist. Dr. Reilly actually began receiving recommendations and cases from Edgar Cayce in 1930, almost two years before they had met! At that time, he had never heard of Edgar Cayce and did not suspect that the referrals were coming from a medical intuitive. Dr. Reilly created the Cayce/Reilly Massage, a particular style of Swedish massage he developed from information suggested in the Cayce readings.

Elaine is one of small group of people who had the opportunity to work directly with Dr. Reilly at A.R.E.’s headquarters in Virginia Beach, Va. She is also the author of the best-selling Your Key to Good Health: Unlocking the Power of Your Lymphatic System and Edgar Cayce's Quick & Easy Remedies.

Products by Elaine Hruska, MA

Edgar Cayce's Quick & Easy Remedies

Elaine Hruska, MA [paperback]

Price: $16.95 [Member Price: $13.56]

Your Key to Good Health: Unlocking the Power of Your Lymphatic System

Elaine Hruska, MA [Paperback]

Price: $15.95 [Member Price: $12.76]

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