Mark Thurston, PhD

Mark Thurston, PhD is an educator, psychologist, and author of 19 books about personal spirituality and holistic living. Mark worked with A.R.E. and Atlantic University from 1973 through 2008, most recently as Director of Academic Affairs. He now is a part-time faculty member at Atlantic University, where he teaches courses about dream psychology, life purpose, and comparative spiritual philosophies, and is currently the Senior Fellow at the Center for Consciousness and Transformation at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia.

Mark, with his wife Mary Elizabeth Lynch, is also the cofounder of the Personal Transformation and Courage Institute, where they do transformational work with small groups.

Products by Mark Thurston, PhD

Discovering Your Soul's Purpose

Mark Thurston, PhD [paperback]

Price: $16.00 [Member Price: $12.80]

Experiments in A Search for God: Lessons 1-24

Mark Thurston, PhD [Paperback]

Price: $16.95 [Member Price: $13.56]

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