There is no subject more popular or sought-after nor a
question more often asked than, “Why am I here?”
According to the Edgar Cayce philosophy, each person living on the earth is
here for a specific purpose; a purpose that no one else can fulfill. While for
some people, their purpose might be directly related to a profession or
vocation, for others it could simply be a particular way of living day by day.
Finding and then understanding and living your soul’s purpose is actually a
life-long process. As your knowledge grows and deepens, you will find greater
and greater opportunities for fulfilling your life’s mission.
Author and Cayce expert Mark Thurston has updated and revised his classic
book, Discovering Your Soul's Purpose , to help you use the
Cayce teachings in the 21st century to find greater purpose in your
relationships, career, and overall mission in life.
Mark Thurston, PhD, is an educator, psychologist, and author of more than a
dozen books about personal spirituality, dream psychology, meditation, and
mind-body well-being. He is currently the Director of Educational Programs for
George Mason University's Center for the Advancement of Well-Being.