Proof of Spiritual Phenomena
Stock #BK0252
Format: Paperback
Length: 206 pp.
Price: $19.99

Proof of Spiritual Phenomena: A Neuroscientist's Discovery of the Ineffable Mysteries of the Universe
by Mona Sobhani

"This entertaining and easy-to-read book weaves Sobhani's personal experiences with a diverse body of credible science to demonstrate the desperate need for a revised scientific meta-paradigm. It is this sort of courage and intellectual honesty that will be required for science–and society–to truly evolve."
— MARK GOBER, author of An End to Upside Down Thinking

"Sobhani leads the pack with her brilliant and vulnerable take on what it means for her and other scientists to turn the corner from materialism to post-materialist thought–and why it's necessary to explain human experience, including and especially human spiritual experience. By letting us into her journey, she shows us parts of ourselves that are learning a new way of knowing, and then she supports our growing knowledge with her hard-won wisdom."
— JULIA MOSSBRIDGE, PhD, coauthor of Transcendent Mind

Neuroscientist Mona Sobhani, Ph.D., details her transformation from diehard materialist to open-minded spiritual seeker and shares the extensive research she discovered on past lives, karma, and the complex interactions of mind and matter. She reveals her conversations about spirituality, consciousness, and anomalous occurrences with scientific colleagues as well as high-level experts and government officials, as she searched for proof of a meaningful cosmos. She discovered that psi research has been conducted on a grand scale for more than a century–by hundreds of scientists with hundreds of thousands of participants–and that there exists substantial evidence for the reality of psi. She examines meta-analyses of these experiments, such as that of the Ganzfield tests, which showed the odds against chance of 12 billion to 1–throwing our current scientific materialist paradigm into question.

Providing a deep dive into the literature of psychology, quantum physics, neuroscience, philosophy, and esoteric texts, Sobhani also explores the relationship between psi phenomena, the transcendence of space and time, and spirituality. Culminating with the author’s serious reckoning with one of the foundational principles of neuroscience–scientific materialism– this illuminating book shows that the mysteries of human experience go far beyond what the present scientific paradigm can comprehend and leaves open the possibility of a participatory, meaningful Universe.